Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Promoted to Committee Draft
Geneva, Switzerland – The 128th WG 11 (MPEG) meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland, 07-11 October 2019
Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Promoted to Committee Draft
At its 128th meeting, WG11 (MPEG) promoted ISO/IEC 23094-2 Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (MPEG-5 Part 2 LCEVC) to Committee Draft (CD). The goal of MPEG-5 Part 2 LCEVC is to provide a standardized video coding solution that leverages other video codecs in a manner that improves video compression efficiency while maintaining or lowering the overall encoding and decoding complexity.
The MPEG-5 Part-2 LCEVC standard uses a lightweight video codec to add up to two layers of encoded residuals. The aim of these layers is correcting artefacts produced by the base video codec and adding detail and sharpness for the final output video.
The target of this standard comprises software or hardware codecs with extra processing capabilities, e.g., mobile devices, Set Top Boxes (STBs), and PC-based decoders. Additional benefits are the reduction in implementation complexity or a corresponding expansion in spatial resolution.
2nd Edition of Omnidirectional Media Format (OMAF) has reached the first milestone
At its 128th meeting, WG11 (MPEG) promoted the 2nd edition of the ISO/IEC 23090-2 Omnidirectional Media Format (OMAF) standard to Committee Draft (CD). This 2nd edition introduces new technologies including (i) support of improved overlay of graphics or textual data on top of video, (ii) efficient signaling of videos structured in multiple sub parts, (iii) enabling more than one viewpoint, and (iv) new profiles supporting dynamic bitstream generation according to the viewport. The encapsulation and signaling of new metadata storage in ISOBMFF are specified as a part of this specification in order to support these new features. Additionally, the streaming of omnidirectional media adopting, for example, dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH, ISO/IEC 23009-1) and MPEG media transport (MMT, ISO/IEC 23008-1) is also specified as well as new media and presentation profiles. The 2nd edition of OMAF will reach its final milestone by the end of 2020.
Genomic Information Representation – Part 4 Reference Software and Part 5 Conformance Promoted to Draft International Standard
WG 11 (MPEG) and ISO TC 276/WG 5 have addressed the emerging problem of managing the large quantities of genomic sequencing data by developing the ISO/IEC 23092 standard series also known as MPEG-G. These standards provide the specification of (i) a file and transport format (Part 1), (ii) compression technology (Part 2), and (iii) metadata specifications, protection support, and standard APIs for the access of sequencing data in the native compressed format (Part 3).
In line with the traditional MPEG practice, at its 128th meeting, MPEG promoted ISO/IEC 23092-4 MPEG-G Part 4 “Reference Software” and ISO/IEC 23092-5 MPEG-G Part 5 “Conformance” to Draft International Standard (DIS) status. Such components of the MPEG-G standard series provide important support to companies and individuals willing to implement the standard and willing to verify the correctness and interoperability of their own implementations.
The MPEG-G Reference Software standard provides one implementation of the standard in the form of an open source package and, thus, complements the textual specification with an example of executable decoders for Part 1 and Part 2 of the standard. It is worth emphasizing that the reference software source code has been written with the solely objective of specifying and clarifying all the details of the standard decoding processes. Therefore, although the reference software can be used as is provided, or can be used as a starting point for any implementation purposes, it has also to be underlined that its direct usage might provide runtime performance that are well inferior to those achievable by other implementations fully developed and optimized to achieve all the potential of the MPEG-G standard.
The MPEG-G Conformance standard provides a specification of the behavior of conformant decoder implementations by describing a rich set of tests and providing input data as well as the corresponding golden reference that conformant decoders should exhibit.
By completing these supporting standard parts, the development of the MPEG-G standard series has reached the status for which deployment of interoperable applications based on native MPEG-G representation can start at full speed.
How to contact WG 11 (MPEG), learn more, and find other MPEG facts
To learn about MPEG basics, discover how to participate in the committee, or find out more about the array of technologies developed or currently under development by WG 11 (MPEG), visit WG 11 (MPEG)’s home page at https://mpeg.chiariglione.org/. There you will find information publicly available from WG 11 (MPEG) experts past and present including tutorials, white papers, vision documents, short articles and requirements under consideration for new standards efforts. You can also find useful information in many public documents by using the search window including publicly available output documents of each meeting (note: some may have editing periods and in case of questions please contact Dr. Christian Timmerer).
Examples of tutorials that can be found there include tutorials for: High Efficiency Video Coding, Advanced Audio Coding, Universal Speech and Audio Coding, and DASH to name a few. A rich repository of white papers can also be found and continues to grow. You can find these papers and tutorials for many of WG 11 (MPEG)’s standards freely available. Press releases from previous WG 11 (MPEG) meetings are also available.
Journalists that wish to receive WG 11 (MPEG) Press Releases by email should contact Dr. Christian Timmerer at christian.timmerer@itec.uni-klu.ac.at or christian.timmerer@bitmovin.com or subscribe via https://lists.aau.at/mailman/listinfo/mpeg-pr. For timely updates follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/mpeggroup).
Further Information
Future WG 11 (MPEG) meetings are planned as follows:
No. 129, Brussels, BE, 13 – 17 January 2020
No. 130, Alpbach, AT, 20 – 24 April 2020
No. 131, Geneva, CH, 29 June – 03 July 2020
No. 132, Rennes, FR, 12 – 16 October 2020
For further information about WG 11 (MPEG), please contact:
Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione (Convenor of WG 11 (MPEG), Italy)
Via Borgionera, 103
I-10040 Villar Dora (TO), Italy
Tel: +39 011 935 04 61
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Timmerer
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt | Bitmovin Inc.
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria, Europe
Tel: +43 463 2700 3621
Email: christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at | christian.timmerer@bitmovin.com
The 128th WG 11 meeting will take place on 2019/10/07T09:00-11T20:00 (tentative) at Centre International de Conférences de Genève, Genève, CH.
The meeting will be preceded by:
The JVET meeting starting on the 1st and continuing until the 11th (held under the auspices of ITU-T SG 16).
The JCT-VC meeting starting on the 04th and continuing until the 11th (held under the auspices of ITU-T SG 16).
Ad hoc group meetings on the weekend (5th-6th).
Please note that Ad hoc group meetings during the weekend and evening sessions will take place in ITU headquarters.
Logistic information
Badge pick-up and on-site registration: badges will be distributed at the Montbrillant building entrance of ITU (Rue de Varembé 2, about 100 metres from CICG) during the week days.
There will be no badge delivery over the weekend, but pre-registered delegates can enter the ITU building if they have pre-registered on the ITU registration page and provide their passport to the security officer. Members who did not pre-register will not be able to enter the building. Entrance during the weekend and after-hours is only through the ITU Montbrillant building.
Access to the ITU building during the weekend and after-hours must be via the Montbrillant entrance (NOTE – This has changed via-a-vis previous meetings; when entrance was through the ITU Tower entrance).
Contact persons (from the host)
ITU-T Study Group 16 Secretariat
Tel: +41-22 730-5445
Fax: +41-22 730-5853
Email: tsbsg16@itu.int
Registration and meeting information
ITU will charge 160 CHF facilities fees. Payment is voluntary. However, participants are strongly encouraged to pay facilities fees to support the meeting. If it is done, it must be done cash (payment by credit card is not possible).
WG 11 members are required to register at both the online ISO meeting registration and the online ITU-T meeting registration at https://www.itu.int/net4/CRM/xreg/web/Registration.aspx?Event=C-00006246.
IMPORTANT NOTE CONCERNING THE NEW ITU MEETING REGISTRATION SYSTEM ITU has recently changed its registration system. In order to register, you will need an ITU account (previously called TIES accounts or ITU Guest accounts) that can be created for free if you don't have one. Links are available right below the sign-in button at the registration page that enable account creation, password reset or profile update. NOTE – Before creating it, you may want to take a look at available guides (video | PDF) |
Upon registration, Members will receive a badge that should be used at all times while at the meeting venue. Badges will be available for the delegates who have pre-registered and can be collected at the reception of the Montbrillant building, Mon-Fri 0830-1200, 1330-1700 hours.
Visa information
ITU can, at the official request of the administration or entity you represent, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa but only within the period mentioned of four weeks before the date of beginning of the meeting. Any such request must specify the name and functions, date of birth, number, dates of issue and expiry of passport of the individual(s) for whom the visa(s) is/are requested (see an example at: https://itu.int/en/ITU-T/info/Documents/Visa-support-letter_MODEL.pdf) and be accompanied by a copy of the notification of confirmation of registration approved for the ITU-T meeting in question, and must be sent to TSB by fax (+41 22 730 5853) or e-mail (tsbreg@itu.int) bearing the words "Visa request (MPEG meeting)".
Hotel information
Delegates attending meetings hosted by ITU may benefit from special terms in a number of hotels in Geneva. There you will find a self-explanatory procedure to be followed for the reservation of hotels. ITU is not responsible for reservation confirmations, cancelled or charged reservations or no-shows. Please contact the hotel directly for all reservation matters, including for any changes to be made. A hotel confirmation form is available for download (Word and PDF).
How to reach ITU and CICG
For all relevant information regarding ITU and Geneva, please see the delegate's corner in the ITU web site.
There is a single airport in Geneva, which serves for both domestic and international flights and is close to ITU and Geneva downtown.
Public transport in urban Geneva is quite good, so renting a car for those staying downtown may not be necessary. Hotels normally offer bus passes valid for the period of stay (without additional cost to their guests).
The standard power supply is 220 Volts, 50Hz. Power plugs normally found are Swiss SEV 1011 and CEE 7/16. Adapters are found for sale in the ITU store, electronics stores, supermarkets and at the airport.
Police: 117
Medical Emergencies: 144
Business Hours
Most government offices are open 0830–1200 and 1330–1700 hours from Monday to Friday. Most stores are usually open from 0800 to 1845 hours. Saturdays, from 0800 to 1700 hours. General commerce is closed on Sundays. Shops at the airport are open until 2000 hours, inclusive on weekends and holidays. Convenience stores open all days, hours vary.
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
Travelers who carry internationally recognized debit and credit cards (such as VISA and MasterCard) can get a cash advance in Geneva at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) installed at banks, airports, major hotels, department stores, subway stations and tourist attractions. The ATM machine closest to ITU is located at the UBS branch on the corner of Giuseppe Motta avenue and Chemin Louis-Dunant.
Computer Networking at ITU
Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a/g/n) facilities are available for use by delegates in the ITU conference rooms with three different SSIDs that share the same password (itu@GVA1211): ITUwifi (5GHz devices only), ITUwifi-IPv4v6 and ITUwifi-legacy (2GHz band only). Detailed information is available on the ITU-T website (https://itu.int/ITU-T/edh/faqs-support.html).