MPEG has Liaisons with the following standards bodies
Internal Liaison within ISO/IEC JTC 1
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24: Computer Graphics and Image Processing
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Marius Preda
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Prof. Gerry Kim
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34: Document Description and Processing Languages
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Vladimir Levantovski
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Dr. Yushi Komachi
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42: Artificial Intelligence
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Dr. Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi, Wo Chang
ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 41: Internet of Things
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Mariu Preda
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Ms. Kate Grant
Internal Liaison with ISO/TCs and IEC/TCs
ISO TC 22: Road Vehicles
- Liaison Representative from SC 29: Dr. Jörn Ostermann
- Liaison Representative to SC 29: vacant
ISO TC 204: Intelligent Transport Systems
- Liaison Representative from SC 29: Dr. Jörn Ostermann
- Liaison Representative to SC 29: vacant
ISO TC 215: Health Informatics
- Liaison Representative from SC 29: Dr. Marco Mattavelli
- Liaison Representative to SC 29: vacant
ISO TC 276: Biotechnology
- Liaison Representative from SC 29: Dr. Marco Mattavelli
- Liaison Representative to SC 29: Dr. Martin Golebiewski (TC 276/WG 5)
IEC TC 100: Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Young-Kwon Lim, Dr. David Singer, Dr. Jens-Rainer Ohm, Dr. Gary Sullivan, Dr. Schuyler Quackenbush
- Liaison Representative to SC29: vacant
External - Category A Liaison
3GPP: the Third Generation Partnership Project
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. David Singer, Dr. Young-Kwon Lim
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Dr. David Singer
ATSC: Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Mr. Walter Husak
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Mr. Walter Husak
ETSI: European Telecommunication Standards Institute
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Mr. Walter Husak
- Liaison Representative to SC29: vacant
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Mr. David Singer, Mr. Ye-Kui Wang, Mr. Ali Begen
- Liaison Representative to SC29: vacant
ITU-R: International Telecommunication Union - Radiocommunication Sector
ITU-R SG 6: Broadcasting Service (terrestrial and satellite)
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Mr. Walter Husak
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Mr. Vittorio Baroncini, Mr. Walter Husak
ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector
ITU-T SG 9: Television and sound transmission
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Arianne Hinds
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Mr. Arthur Webster
ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector
ITU-T SG 12: Performance, QoS and QoE
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr.Christian Timmerer
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Prof. Alexander Raake
ITU-T SG 16: Multimedia services and systems
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Xin Wang (Q.13)
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Dr. Gary Sullivan, Mr. Masahito Kawamori
SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Mr. Walter Husak, Mr. Michael A Dolan
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Mr. Alan Lambshead, Mr. Walter Husak, Mr. Howard Lukk, Mr. Michael A Dolan
External - Category B Liaison
AES: Audio Engineering Society
- Liaison Representative from SC29: Dr. Jürgen Herre
- Liaison Representative to SC29: Mr. Mark Yonge
External - Category C Liaison
5GAA: 5G Automotive Association
- Liaison Representative from SC 29: Dr. Jörn Ostermann
- Liaison Representative to SC 29: vacant
ABU: Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: vacant
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Eisuke Nakasu
AVS: Audio and Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Tiejun Huang
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Dr. Tiejun Huang
BDA: Blu-ray Disc Association
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr.Walter Husak, Mr. Michael Dolan
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr.Mike DeValue, Mr. Walter Husak
CTA: Consumer Technology Association
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Mike Dolan
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Mike Dolan
DASH-IF: DASH Industry Forum
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Iraj Sodagar
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Dr. Iraj Sodagar
DECE LLC: Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem LLC
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Mike Dolan
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Mike Dolan
DICOM: The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Jaime Delgado
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Vacant
DTG: Digital TV Group
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Krasimir Kolarov
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr George Robertson
DVB: Digital Video Broadcasting
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Ken McCann, Mr. Walter Husak
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Dr. Peter Siebert
EBU: European Broadcast Union
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Walter Husak
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Bram Tullemans, Mr. David Wood, Mr. Jean-Pierre Evain, Dr. Han Hoffman, Mr. Adi Kouadio, Mr. Frans de Jong
HbbTV: Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Iraj Sodagar
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Jon Piesing
IEEE Standards Working Group on 3D Quality Assessment
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Anthony Vetro, Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Sanghoon Lee
Khronos: Khronos Group
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Marius Preda
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr Neil Trevett
ONVIF: The Open Network Video Interface Forum
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Gero Baese
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Gero Baese
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Jörn Ostermann
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Vacant
SCTE: Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Yasser Syed, Dr. Arianne Hinds
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Ms. Niem Dang
VRIF: Virtual Reality Industry Forum
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr Paul Higgs
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Dr Ozgur Oyman
VSF: Video Services Forum, Inc.
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Mr. Walter Husak, Mr. Mary-Luc Champel
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Brad Gilmer
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. David Singer
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Daniel Dardailler
- Liaison Representative from WG 11: Dr. Marius Preda
- Liaison Representative to WG 11: Mr. Aaron Walsh