The Moving Picture Experts Group

Test Model

The 14th IVC test model (ITM 14.0) was specified by decisions taken at the 113th MPEG meeting in Geneva (19–23 October 2015). This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on the ITM and also provides an encoder-side description of ITM 14.0. The purpose of this text is to help readers understand the ITM software and the IVC design. The corresponding sections of the IVC draft specification [6] should be referred to for any descriptions regarding normative processes.

Published in meeting:

This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on SHVC Test Model 10 (SHM10).

Published in meeting:

The JCT-VC established the HEVC Test Model 16.7 at its 21st meeting in Warsaw from 19 June to 26 June 2015. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2 and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.7 software.

Published in meeting:

This document describes the training procedures used in the development of the Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS) Test Model (TM).

For all information relating to CDVS encoding, decoding, conformance, reference software and usage, see ISO/IEC FDIS 15938-13 and ISO/IEC CD 15938-14.

Published in meeting:

The 13th IVC test model (ITM 13.0) was specified by decisions taken at the 112th MPEG meeting in Warsaw (22–26 June 2015). This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on the ITM and also provides an encoder-side description of ITM 13.0. The purpose of this text is to help readers understand the ITM software and the IVC design. The corresponding sections of the IVC draft specification [6] should be referred to for any descriptions regarding normative processes.

Published in meeting:

This document contains tutorial information for the screen content coding (SCC) extensions of the HEVC video coding standard and a description of the algorithms implemented in its reference software.

Published in meeting:

This document provides tutorial information about the SHVC scalable video coding extensions of the HEVC standard and the algorithms implemented in the associated reference software.

Published in meeting:

This document provides information about the 3D and multiview extensions of HEVC and the algorithms implemented in the associated reference software.

Published in meeting:

This document provides tutorial information about the HEVC standard and the algorithms imlemented in its reference software.

Published in meeting:

This document describes the Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS) Test Model (TM) 13.0 (CDVS1) (CDVS2). In particular, this document looks at the TM architecture, the operation of the informative component technologies (descriptor matching and retrieval) of the TM, and the offline or training procedures for both the normative (descriptor extraction) and the informative (descriptor matching and retrieval) component technologies of the TM.

Published in meeting:
