The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.21 software following its 37th meeting in Geneva, with no further update resulting from the 38th meeting in Brussels. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.21 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.22 software following its 37th meeting in Geneva. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.22 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.21 software following its 36th meeting in Gothenburg. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.21 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.21 [Ed. Pending release] software following its 35th meeting in Geneva. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.21 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.16 software following its 28th meeting in Torino. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.16 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC test model (HM) 16.15 software following its 27th meeting in Hobart. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.15 software.
The JCT-VC released HEVC Test Model 16.12 software following its 24th meeting in Geneva. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.12 software.
The JCT-VC established the HEVC Test Model 16.9 at its 23rd meeting in San Diego. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2 and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.9 software.
This proposed draft amendment provides reference software with support for the screen content coding (SCC) extensions of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard.
This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2 and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.7 software.