Test Model
CDVA defines video descriptors for search and retrieval applications, specifically for visual content matching in video. Visual content matching includes matching of views of large and small objects and scenes, that is robust to partial occlusions as well as changes in view point, camera parameters, and lighting conditions.
CDVA defines video descriptors for search and retrieval applications, specifically for visual content matching in video. Visual content matching includes matching of views of large and small objects and scenes, that is robust to partial occlusions as well as changes in view point, camera parameters, and lighting conditions.
The JCT-VC released HEVC Test Model 16.12 software following its 24th meeting in Geneva. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2, and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.12 software.
The 15th IVC test model (ITM 15.0) was specified by decisions taken at the 115th MPEG meeting in Geneva. This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on the Internet Video Coding (IVC) draft international standard ISO/IEC 14496-33, and also provides an encoder-side description of techniques used in the draft encoding reference software for IVC, which is under development for inclusion in ISO/IEC 14496-5.
The JCT-VC established HEVC screen content coding test model 7 at its 23rd meeting (February 19th to 26th, 2016, San Diego, USA). This document serves as a source of general tutorial information and also provides an encoder-side description of test model 7.
The JCT-VC established the HEVC Test Model 16.9 at its 23rd meeting in San Diego. This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2 and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.9 software.
The 14th IVC test model (ITM 14.0) was specified by decisions taken at the 113th MPEG meeting in Geneva (19–23 October 2015) and was further refined to produce ITM 14.1 as an output of the 114th MPEG meeting in San Diego (22–26 February 2016).
This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on the screen content coding (SCC) extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) and also provides an encoder-side description of the test model 6 encoding algorithms.
This document serves as a source of general tutorial information on scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC), Test Model 11 (SHM11).
This document serves as an overview of HEVC Version 1 and the Range Extensions of HEVC Version 2 and also provides an encoder-side description of the HM-16.7 software.