The Moving Picture Experts Group

MPEG 119 - Torino

Monday, 17 July 2017 to Friday, 21 July 2017
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10121 Torino TO
Press release: 

Evidence of New Developments in Video Compression Coding

Turin, Italy – The 119th MPEG meeting was held in Turin, Italy, from 17 – 21 July 2017

Evidence of New Developments in Video Compression Coding

Following a “Call for Evidence” (CfE) issued by MPEG jointly with ITU-T Q6/16 VCEG, evidence was evaluated at the 119th MPEG meeting to show that video coding technology has been developed with a compression capability that significantly exceeds that of the HEVC standard and its current extensions.

The Call for Evidence requested responses for use cases of video coding technology in three categories: standard dynamic range (SDR), high dynamic range (HDR), and 360° omnidirectional video. The evaluation of the responses included subjective testing of the video quality produced by candidate video coding technology. Two responses were received in the SDR category, two responses in the HDR category, and four in the 360° category. Additionally, the performance of the “Joint Exploration Model” (JEM) reference design that has been developed collaboratively in the MPEG-VCEG Joint Video Exploration Team (JVET) was also evaluated.

The results indicate that for a considerable number of test cases, significant gain over HEVC had been demonstrated, with comparable subjective quality at 40-50% less bit rate compared to HEVC for the SDR and HDR test cases. In single cases, even higher rate savings could be observed. Substantial benefit was also shown for several 360° video test cases. It has thus been concluded that evidence exists of compression technology that may significantly outperform HEVC that could be used to develop a new standard. As a consequence, preparations have proceeded toward issuing a formal Call for Proposals (expected to be issued in October 2017), with responses expected to be evaluated at the MPEG meeting in April 2018.

Call for Evidence on Transcoding for Network Distributed Video Coding

A “Call for Evidence on Transcoding for Network Distributed Video Coding” was issued at the 119th MPEG meeting as document N17058. It is addressed to interested parties that have technology providing transcoding of video at lower computational complexity than transcoding done using a full re-encode. The call asks for video transcoding technology suitable for adaptive bitrate streaming applications where a highest bit rate stream is transcoded into lower bit rate streams. Responses to the call are expected to use “side streams” that accompanies the highest bit rate stream to assist the transcoding process. Submissions are expected for the 120th MPEG meeting where their compression efficiency and computational complexity will be assessed.

2nd Edition of Storage of Sample Variants reaches Committee Draft

At its 119th meeting, MPEG has reached the first milestone of developing the 2nd edition of storage of sample variants, ISO/IEC 23001-12. Sample variants are typically used to provide forensic information in the rendered sample data that can, for example, identify the specific Digital Rights Management (DRM) client which has decrypted the content. This variant framework is intended to be fully compatible with Common Encryption (CENC), as specified by ISO/IEC 23001-7, and agnostic to the particular forensic marking system used. The first edition of this standard has only specified its use in the ISO base media file format (ISOBMFF) but the 2nd edition will expand its usage to MPEG-2 transport stream (M2TS) as well. Additionally, for that purpose a new amendment to MPEG-2 Systems, ISO/IEC 13818-1 AMD 10, has been also initiated.

New Technical Report on Signalling, Backward Compatibility and Display Adaptation for HDR/WCG Video Coding

At the 119th MPEG meeting, work was completed on a technical report for high dynamic range (HDR) and wide colour gamut (WCG) video distribution, based on the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, and when applicable on the Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard, using either single-layer or dual-layer coding. The new technical report complements the material provided in the recently developed Technical Report entitled Conversion and Coding Practices for HDR/WCG Y'CbCr 4:2:0 Video with PQ Transfer Characteristics, and serves several purposes.

The new report provides a survey of the signalling mechanisms handling HDR/WCG video. It includes guidance on the processing and coding of HDR/WCG video in several types of colour representations. It discusses approaches to enable compatibility with legacy decoding systems that do not have the ability to detect and properly display HDR/WCG video content. It describes methods for adapting HDR/WCG video content for use with display technology having different degrees and types of dynamic range and colour gamut capability. A dual-layer coding approach using the Scalable Main 10 profile of HEVC for backward compatibility with standard dynamic range (SDR) systems is also documented.

Draft Requirements for Hybrid Natural/Synthetic Scene Data Container

At its 119th meeting, MPEG has issued Draft Requirements to develop a standard to define a scene representation media container suitable for interchange of content for authoring and rendering rich immersive experiences. The objective of the potential new standard to be called Hybrid Natural/Synthetic Scene (HNSS) data container, is to define a scene graph data representation and the associated container for media that can be rendered to deliver photorealistic hybrid scenes, including scenes that obey the natural flows of light, energy propagation and physical kinematic operations. The container will support various types of media that can be rendered together, including volumetric media that is computer generated or captured from the real world.

How to contact MPEG, learn more, and find other MPEG facts

To learn about MPEG basics, discover how to participate in the committee, or find out more about the array of technologies developed or currently under development by MPEG, visit MPEG’s home page at There you will find information publicly available from MPEG experts past and present including tutorials, white papers, vision documents, and requirements under consideration for new standards efforts. You can also find useful information in many public documents by using the search window including publicly available output documents of each meeting (note: some may have editing periods and in case of questions please contact Dr. Christian Timmerer).

Examples of tutorials that can be found there include tutorials for: High Efficiency Video Coding, Advanced Audio Coding, Universal Speech and Audio Coding, and DASH to name a few. A rich repository of white papers can also be found and continues to grow. You can find these papers and tutorials for many of MPEG’s standards freely available. Press releases from previous MPEG meetings are also available. Journalists that wish to receive MPEG Press Releases by email should contact Dr. Christian Timmerer at or

Further Information

Future MPEG meetings are planned as follows:

No. 120, Macau, CN, 23 – 27 October 2017

No. 121, Gwangju, KR, 22 – 26 January 2018

No. 122, San Diego, US, 16 – 20 April 2018

No. 123, Ljubljana, SI, 16 – 20, July 2018

For further information about MPEG, please contact:

Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione (Convenor of MPEG, Italy)

Via Borgionera, 103

I-10040 Villar Dora (TO), Italy

Tel: +39 011 935 04 61


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Timmerer

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt | Bitmovin Inc.

9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria, Europe

Tel: +43 463 2700 3621

Email: |

Press release file: 
Ad-hoc groups: 
Call for patents: 
MPEG standards: 
MPEG workplan: 
MPEG timeline: 
Meeting notice: 

The 119th MPEG Meeting will take place from 17 to 21 July 2017 at

Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24

Torino, Italy

Facilities Fee

The facilities fee includes:

  • Meeting rooms, including A/V equipment and free wireless Internet access.
  • One coffee break a day


Facilities fee

Early bird

300 EUR

Regular (After 10th June)

350 EUR

Note: Price changes occur at midnight Central European Time


Register HERE

Cancellation penalties

Any cancellation received in writing before June 10th will receive a refund less € 100,00 for administrative charges. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after June, 10th. Refunds will be made after the Meeting. If, for reasons beyond the control of the Organizing Committee the Meeting is cancelled, registration fees will be refunded after deduction of expenses already incurred. Other fees (e.g. changing name, billing adress):  50 EUR

VISA Assistance

Invitation Letter
Foreigners needing a special invitation letter in order to obtain visas may request it from the Meeting Secretariat at least two months prior to the Meeting.

Note that registration must be made before requesting an invitation letter.


A block of rooms was set aside for MPEG and JPEG participants in these hotels. They are all near the Politecnico di Torino or downtown Torino. 

Standard documents published in MPEG 119 - Torino

Standard: Exploration
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
25 Network Distributed Media Coding Call for Evidence on Transcoding for Network Distributed Video Coding Document related to Part
15 Compact descriptors for video analysis N17042, Description of Core Experiments in CDVA Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding N17054, Results of the Joint Call for Evidence on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC Document related to Part
1 Transport and Storage of Genomic Information Presentations of the Workshop on Processing of Genomic Information: From Standards to Deployment Document related to Part
8 Network Based Media Processing Requirements for network based media processing (v1) Document related to Part
7 Immersive Video Requirements on 6DoF (v1) Document related to Part
25 Network Distributed Media Coding Requirements on Network Distributed Video Coding (version 5) Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding N17056, Algorithm descriptions of projection format conversion and video quality metrics in 360Lib Version 4 Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding Requirements for a Future Video Coding Standard v5 Document related to Part
15 Compact descriptors for video analysis N17040, WD 1 of Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding N17057, Description of Exploration Experiments on coding tools Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding N17055, Algorithm Description of Joint Exploration Test Model 7 (JEM 7) Document related to Part
1 Transport and Storage of Genomic Information Use cases of Genomic Information Processing Document related to Part
26 Hybrid Natural/Synthetic Scene Container Requirements for MPEG-I hybrid natural/synthetic scene data container(V.1) Document related to Part
3 Versatile Video Coding N17053, Draft Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-4
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
10 Advanced Video Coding N17039, Defect Report on ISO/IEC 14496-10:2014/Amd.2 Document related to Part
3 Audio Mime Type Registration for ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 AAC/HE-AAC/HE-AAC v2 Document related to Part
30 Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in ISO Base Media File Format WD on Carriage of Web Resource in ISOBMFF Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-H
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
2 High Efficiency Video Coding N17047, High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Test Model 16 (HM 16) Improved Encoder Description Update 9 Document related to Part
2 High Efficiency Video Coding N17046, Defect report of ISO/IEC 23008-2:201x Document related to Part
8 HEVC Conformance testing N17048, Working Draft 6 of Conformance Testing for HEVC Screen Content Coding (SCC) Extensions and Non-Intra High Throughput Profiles Document related to Part
2 High Efficiency Video Coding N17052, Working draft 1 of HEVC Monochrome 10 profile Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-G
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
3 API for Genomic Information Representation Genomic Information Representation Metadata Document related to Part
3 API for Genomic Information Representation Genomic Information Representation APIs Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-B
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
15 Carriage of Web Resource in ISOBMFF WD on Carriage of Web Resource in ISOBMFF Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-7
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
15 Compact descriptors for video analysis N17041, CDVA Experimentation Model (CXM) 2 Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-D
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
3 Unified Speech and Audio Coding Mime Type Registration for ISO/IEC 23003-3 MPEG-D USAC Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-A
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
2 Omnidirectional Media Format Profiles under Considerations for ISO/IEC 23000-20 Omnidirectional Media Format Document related to Part
Standard: MPEG-I
# Part name Title Typesort descending Status
1 Immersive Media Architectures Requirements for MPEG-I phase 1b (v1) Document related to Part