Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations
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N16263, Text of ISO/IEC PDTR 23002-6 Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations
This part of ISO/IEC 23002 provides a description of a set of tools that are intended to be helpful for developing reconfigurable media coding implementations based on the ISO/IEC 23001-4 (Codec configuration representation) and ISO/IEC 23002-4 (Video Tool Library) standards. The description includes the following guidelines:
— guidelines on good practices to implement specifications based on ISO/IEC 23001-4 and ISO/IEC 23002-4 standards;
— guidelines on usage of a monitoring tool for specifications based on ISO/IEC 23001-4 and ISO/IEC 23002-4 standards.
N15775, WD of TR ISO/IEC 23002-6 Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations
This document is a draft RVC CAL tutorial. RVC CAL is a standardized version of the CAL Actor Language which implements dataflow model of computation. All the examples of this tutorial are written for and tested with ORCC compiler infrastructure tools. The Open RVC CAL Compiler (ORCC) is an open-source Integrated Development Environment based on Eclipse and dedicated to dataflow programming. The primary purpose of Orcc is to provide developers with a compiler infrastructure to allow software/hardware code to be generated from dataflow descriptions.