Monday, 28 November 2011 to Friday, 2 December 2011
Crowne Plaza Geneva Switzerland
Avenue Louis-Casaï 75-77
1216 Geneva
SwitzerlandMain results:
- Final approval of DASH, first International Standard for dynamic adaptive streaming of multimedia content over HTTP
- Start of the new MPEG-H suite of standards, “High Efficiency Coding and Media Delivery in Heterogeneous Environments”
- Plans for an MPEG-H 3D Audio Event at the 99th meeting in San José, CA
- Formal start of work towards royalty-free video coding in two tacks. One, called IVC, focuses on developing a standard based on MPEG-1 technology. A second track, called WebVC, is driven by stakeholders of AVC technology
- Launch of a new activity to create Augmented Reality Application Format
- Review of submissions to Call for Proposals on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS), a new initiative to facilitate the retrieval of images and video based on characteristic similar parts
- Issuing of a Call for Requirements on Multimedia Preservation Description Information (MPDI)