The Moving Picture Experts Group

MPEG seeks industry opinion on VR standards

A Head Mounted Display fro VR

July 2016 - Survey due 18 August

MPEG is aware of the immense interest of several industry segments in content, services and products based on Virtual Reality (VR) and believes that VR is a complex ecosystem. The initial technologies already deployed can begin to fulfill the very high commercial expectations on VR services and applications if standards-based interoperability for certain aspects around VR is required.

MPEG is in the process of identifying those technologies that are relevant to market success to define an appropriate standardization roadmap. The technologies considered include, but are not restricted to, video and audio coding and compression, metadata, file format and delivery mechanisms. This questionnaire has been developed with the goal of obtaining feedback from the industry on the technologies whose standardisation may have a positive impact on VR adoption by the market. The questionnaire will be closed on 18th August 2016. However, if this deadline is not manageable for you, please contact the organizers and we will attempt to accommodate your request for a possible

Plese contribute to the survey at

MPEG considers the following definition: Virtual Reality is a rendered environment (visual and acoustic, pre-dominantly realworld) providing an immersive experience to a user who can interact with it in a seemingly real or physical way using special electronic equipment (e.g. display, audio rendering and sensors/actuators).

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