<li>FDAM2 to ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012/ MVC extension for inclusion of depth maps</li>
<li>PDAM4 to ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012/PDAM4 Additional Colour Space and Tone Mapping Descriptors</li>
<li>PDAM5 to ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012 Multi-resolution Frame Compatible Stereo Coding</li>
<li>CD of 2nd edition of ISO/IEC 14496-11 of scene description and application engine</li>
<li>DAM2 to ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012 Carriage of timed text</li>
<li>WD of AMD3 to ISO/IEC 14496-15:2010 Carriage of MVC+D</li>
<li>DAM2 to ISO/IEC 14496-16 Multi-resolution 3D mesh compression</li>
<li>DIS of ISO/IEC 14496-30 Timed Text and Other Visual Overlays in ISO Base Media File Format</li>
<li>WD3 of ISO/IEC 15938-13 Compact Descriptors for Visual Search</li>
<li>CD of ISO/IEC 23001-7 Common Encryption for ISO Base Media File Format Files</li>
<li>FDIS of ISO/IEC 23001-8 Coding-independent code-points</li>
<li>DAM3 to ISO/IEC 23002-4 Graphics Tool Library (GTL) for Reconfigurable Multimedia Coding (RMC) Framework</li>
<li>FDIS of ISO/IEC 23002-5 Reconfigurable Media Coding Conformance and Reference Software</li>
<li>WDs of 3rd Editions of ISO/IEC 23005-1 to -6 (MPEG-V)</li>
<li>2nd CD of ISO/IEC 23008-1 MPEG Media Transport</li>
<li>FDIS of ISO/IEC 23008-2 High Efficiency Video Coding</li>
<li>PDAM1 of ISO/IEC 23008-2:201x Range Extensions</li>
<li>PDAM2 ISO/IEC 23008-2:201x Multiview Extensions</li>
<li>Call for Proposals on 3D Audio</li>
<li>FDIS of ISO/IEC 23009-4 Segment encryption and authentication</li>
<li>Draft Call for Proposals on MPEG User Descriptions</li>
<li>Draft Call for Proposals on Green MPEG</li>